I was being treated for De Quervain's Tendonitis from December 2005 up until March 2006, when worker's compensation decided to go against my doctor's advice to see a certain hand surgeon for a cortisone shot. They wanted me to go to someone else, which I did. The man did no MRI, instead choosing to do an X-Ray, which will not help, and only saw me, actually touched my hand, for only one minute, after which he told me "you'll be fine" and sent me on my not so merry way. After this, worker's compensation dropped my case and I was forced to take care of my hand on my own. Three months later, after only one appointment with a doctor at a MedCheck and one five minute appointment with a "real" doctor, I was scheduled for surgery and I'm finally on the mend. All I want now is to report the man who, as far as I'm concerned, was in the back pocket of worker's compensation and inevitably delayed my healing.
I guess maybe I wasn't clear enough. I don't want compensation from this physician. All I want is a mark on his record, a red flag to other's who may entrust their hands to him.

bill j
get a lawyer

Gerald S
Contact the state medical board.

call a lawyer.

Each state has a medical board which licenses
Doctors to practice medicine in that state.
Look them up under state government.

Go to a compensation- solicitor !

If you have a complaint about unprofessional care, contact the state medical licensing board for reporting a complaint. It's usually listed in the "blue pages" of the Yellow Pages under "State."

You can also find it in your state's official website, which you can find as http://www.state.(the two letter abbreviation for your own state).us by just using the state abbreviation instead of the ( ) as shown, for example http://www.state.ok.us for Oklahoma.

You may also want to consult an attorney who specializes in malpractice. Usually there is no charge for an intial consultation.

You'll have a problem getting anyone in the medical profession to come out and testify AGAINST another Doctor.Its a closed shop,as I've found out thru personal experience.
You need a specialist solicitor for this,one who does medical compensation claims.
Good Luck hun.You'll need it.

Faith K
First of all you need to let the "workers compensation" know about the doctor in writing, because they may be unaware of these practices and follow up with them. If you think that their is a "referal service" going on, you need to get this proof in writing, thus, this is why you need to get all the information you can about the "workers comp." Once you get that, get copies, names etc anc check on the doctors background. The book "Healthcare for Less" by Michelle Katz has a list of websites, and "red flags" you should look for in a doctor (as well as teach you how to save money in healthcare), this would be a great reference for you. Once all of this is done, you might find that the doctor is NOT board certified, practicing something he has no training in etc...that is when you should report him to the state board of medice....what you are describing is NOT malpractice. If you get "pushback" from this, you may have to write a letter to the state attorney general.....but be sure you have EVERYTHING documented and you did your homework first! I hope this helps.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Does anyone know how to report a physician for malpractice?