Legal cases involving nurses... Malpractice... Negligence... Anything...
Administering the wrong Drug.
Or do you want real cases tried in court as a reference?
good one and very concerning
One huge issue is IV sites, especially involving chemotherapy. There was a case where the IV nurse had not documented on the IV sheets on the condition of a site and the chemo leaked and the patient lost their arm because of it.
That particular facility required new IV starts for Chemo every 48 hrs and the site had not been changed in 5 days!
Causing damage to nerves by venipunture, not assessing and reporting a patient's worsening condition to a doctor, allowing an iv fluid to flow without a pump at a bolus rate to someone in CHF, giving the wrong blood type to the wrong patient, tearing the urethra with a foley cath insertion, injecting a bolus tube feeding through a central line. These are a mere few of the ones I have seen or heard of over the years.
Go to and enter your search.
kenneth h
You had sex with a patient and he died !
Orignal From: Give me an example of medical malpractice cases in the nursing profession?
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