Help with Malpractice assignment?

Posted by 70sfamily | 8:42:00 PM

I have an assignment due in the morning where I have to have a medical malpractice or negligence news article from sometime in the last year. I have been looking for hours and all I come across are lawyer websites. It Must be a news site of some sorts. Any ideas on where to look or know of any good ones?

google hospital malpratice, or google operation to wrong body part, I am sure you will find something

I cant remember the name of the hospital, but its the only one in Katy Texas. If you find that there is a thing that was on the news about a year ago about them removing the wrong organ from a womans husband, which caused him to die. They removed his heart instead of what they were supposed to. Then tried to get rid of the heart before they got in trouble. At that point, they had already paid $ 250,000 to the widow, and still had problems they were trying to settle.

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