Death by Medicine states that nearly 770,000 people die annually from medical mistakes. What is the actual number? If even half that number were accurate it's still a lot of people dying from 'scientific' medicine.

If this is the case, why would a safe profession like chiropractic have a black eye with no death rate whatsoever?

The book "Death by Medicine" has no credibility.

The Author "Gary Null" is a former short-order cook who claims aging is caused by a lack of enzymes that can be cured by ingesting bee pollen.

He also claims that nutritional methods of treating AIDs are being suppressed by the Medical Establishment, and that chelation therapy is an effective way to treat heart disease.

Null seems very effective at attracting the gullible approval of cracks and crackpots.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: How many people die each year from Medical Mistakes?