Our dentist "King Rhodes" secuced my wife and other women in his office in the Dallas Metroplex. It began under medication but continued with his grandeous ways of conversation until he finally gets what he wants. He is a black man that goes after white women. How is the proper way to stop this man from continueing this in his practice.
Report him.
I doubt this is malpractice but it's certainly unethical, although I can't help wondering what being "secuced" feels like.
It is not malpractice because it doesn't involve his professional ability. However, he is probably breaking a code of professional ethics which would likely have his license pulled by your state's licensing board. You should file a grievance with that board. Furthermore, you may have civil remedies for criminal conversation and/or alienation of affection.
If he had sex first under anesthesia then it is rape. But since your wife doesn't seem to have a problem with it you are not going to get anywhere because you have no evidence that it happened that way.
It isn't malpractice it is unethical.
John Redrow
Go into the office for routine work and get a very small hidden camera, if you get the footage you're seeking, you'll probably become rich.
Are people seriously saying raping women while not capable of consenting to anything is not malpractice, that's a big hardy har har har.
get evidence and sue that mother fu**er never in my life would i let my wife go threw that sh** and nothing happen one way or the other testify or I 'd handle this personally but still rape is rape if it stared out innocent or not its still rape suduced by what gas???? suduction don' work unless you want it to
Report him to the police and make your wife testify against him as sexuall harassment, he'll never be able to work as a doctor ever again.
You report the dentist to the medical professional board and they will take away his license to practice. then his actions can also be reported to the police in Dallas and someone will have to come forward and testify. The medical ethics board will back a malpractice suit if the allegations are true but you can sue anyway but first you have to have a police report documented.
Ruth S
Video tape him action!
Orignal From: is it malpractice for a dentist to have sex with a patient?
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