Your medical files are a critical part of your personal injury or medical malpractice claim. In a medical malpractice claim, your records form part of the evidence that you will use to prove that your doctor was negligent. In a personal injury claim, your medical records will help prove how severe your injuries are and how much compensation you are entitled to receive as a result of your injuries. If your records are not accurate, it can mean the difference between winning and losing your claim. How do you know if your medical files have been tampered with? What steps should you take in order to ensure that your medical records are accurate? If you think you or a family member has suffered a loss or injury as a result of medical malpractice you can call 902-423-2050 for a consultation or to request a free copy of Johns book: The Consumers Guide to Medical Malpractice Claims in Canada: Why 98% of Canadian Medical Malpractice Victims Never Get a Penny in Compensation. John McKiggan is a personal injury and medical malpractice lawyer in Halifax, Nova Scotia. For more information you can go to Arnold Pizzo McKiggans website at or take a look at our blogs: or

Keith reports on John McCain's lack of openness about his medical records and the latest news on his pastor problems. Chris Hayes from The Nation weighs in.

Orignal From: Medical Malpractice Claims: Have your records been altered?