www.simpsonmillar.co.uk - My name is Neil Fearn. I am the head of the clinical negligence department of Simpson Millar and today I would like to talk to you about the department and the work that we do in that department. Illness and injury that requires medical treatment and surgery is bad enough. If a medical accident occurs during that treatment or surgery, the outcome can be dreadful. At Simpson Millar we have a team of very experienced lawyers who are very used to acting on behalf of people that have been injured in this way. We have 6 partners who work within the team. Four of those are on either the Solicitors Regulation Authority Panel or on the Action for Victims of Medical Accident Panel so their work has been assessed externally and has been tested to the highest standard. Not only do we have that external accreditation but the department has a franchise from the Legal Services Commission who audit us on a regular basis and ensure that the work that we do is to the highest of standards. The work that we do covers all areas of clinical practice from obstetrics through to care of the elderly. We do work in areas such as dental negligence and not only do we restrict ourselves to that we also cover judicial review cases, inquests, cases presented before the GMC. We do a full range of health care law issues. The medical negligence department at Simpson Millar always adopts an approach where the client is at the centre of arrangements. We want to ensure, at all times ...

Have you, or someone you know, been a victim of medical neglect either by a hospital, dentist, GP or cosmetic surgeon, which has caused injury or even death? Claims Against Hospitals Claims Against a GP Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong Mistakes or Errors During Surgery Cancer Misdiagnosis Any other type of Negligence by a Medical Professional If so contact 5r1 Claims. Their panel of Medical Compensation Solicitors can provide free advice on making a no win no fee medical negligence claim. For free and impartial advice concerning your medical negligence claim, Free phone 0808 222 0101 or visit www.5r1claims.co.uk Lines open 24 hours 7 days a week.
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