Over 7000 medical mistakes are made every year and yet there have not been that many deaths in more than 5 years in Iraq. Without minimizing or demeaning those that have died in Iraq I want to know why we look the other way? The Iraq war has reasons but medical mistakes are glazed over and forgotten about. What needs to be done to shift our focus?

Joe B
Let me tell you about themedical mistakes done to Iraq war soldiers...

Janell T
Because when soldiers go to Iraq they do it voluntarily and can die.Medical mistakes aren't made on purpose and patients don't volunteer for them.

Don M
Because wars are done wilfully, presumably with reason, and can be stopped when they are deemed unreasonable or unjust.

Medical mistakes are done by accident, and can be avoided by proper focus on quality and best practices.

Both cause deaths but other than that they have nothing in common.

And both are regrettable.

What does one have to do with the other?

Bringing attention to the frequency of deaths caused by medical incompetence or negligence doesn't fit in to the mainstream media's sales plan.

Please tell me what the reasons are for the Iraq war? And why are you only counting American Deaths and overlooking the hundreds of thousands of Iraqies?

The deaths you are referring to are due to a lie, there were no weapons of mass destruction, and even if there were, there are many other countries that have such weapons, why did we invade Iraq and not the other countries?

Put in terms of your question, only 3,000 or 4,000 died in 9/11, why did we go to war over it and get another 4000 killed?

There was a report last year clearly stating that 750,000 iraqi's had died(denied by the blair and bush camps~of course.)It's probably around one million today.The 7000 people dying through medical mistakes is also a dreadful problem~making profits from the sale of sometimes unsafe drugs is a big part of this problem.Hope both problems are soon solved.~~I've just checked on google,incredibly the number of medical mistakes in usa is actually 783,936 per year!!!! (naturalnews.com)

Its moi.
Maybe its because we´re only human and even doctors can be expected to make mistakes in diagnosis, or not perform the perfect surgery, etc. I mean, we arent always necessarily talking about negligence- what about a margin for error? You can not expect a human to perform any activity with 100% exactness, especially when it relates to something as complex as the human body.

The Iraq War, on the other hand, was a conscious decision to go in and kill people and put citizens of the invading nation at risk in the process.

Two completely different things.

You think because someone is a doctor, they dont make mistakes, yeah right. Humans make mistakes. Let me know when you find that perfect world you are looking for. Geez!

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Orignal From: More people die from medical mistakes every year.. And all I hear is how many died in the Iraq war?