The Lawyers' Party By Bruce Walker

The Democratic Party has become the Lawyers' Party . Barack Obama is a lawyer. Michelle Obama is a lawyer. Hillary Clinton is a lawyer. Bill Clinton is a lawyer. John Edwards is a lawyer. Elizabeth Edwards is a lawyer. Every Democrat nominee since 1984 went to law school (although Gore did not graduate).

Every Democrat vice presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Bentsen, went to law school. Look at leaders of the Democrat Party in Congress: Harry Reid is a lawyer. Nancy Pelosi is a lawyer.

The Republican Party is different.

President Bush is a businessman. Vice President Cheney is a businessman. The leaders of the Republican Revolution:

Newt Gingrich was a history professor. Tom Delay was an exterminator. Dick Armey was an economist. House Minority Leader Boehner was a plastic manufacturer. The former Senate Majority Leader Bill First is a heart surgeon. Who was the last Republican president who was a lawyer? Gerald Ford, who left office 31 years ago and who barely won the Republican nomination as a sitting president, running against Ronald Reagan in 1976..

The Republican Party is made up of real people doing real work, who are often the targets of lawyers.

The Democrat Party is made up of lawyers. Democrats mock and scorn men who create wealth, like Bush and Cheney, or who heal the sick, like Frist, or who immerse themselves in history, like Gingrich.

The Lawyers' Party sees these sorts of people, who provide goods and services that people want and need, as the enemies of America . And, so we have seen the procession of official enemies, in the eyes of the Lawyers' Party, grow..

The United States has 5% of the world's population and 66% of the world's lawyers! Tort (Legal) reform legislation has been introduced in congress several times in the last several years to limit punitive damages in ridiculous lawsuits such as "spilling hot coffee on yourself and suing the establishment that sold it to you" and also to limit punitive damages in huge medical malpractice lawsuits. This legislation has continually been blocked from even being voted on by the Democrat Party. When you see that 97% of the political contributions from the American Trial Lawyers Association goes to the Democrat Party, then you realize who is responsible for our medical and product costs being so high!

Forget War Buy More
No, and the article selectively chooses the politicians to address rather than showing a numeric breakdown of professions prior to office.

Drew Blood
That was almost as long as the healthcare bill itself. And like the healthcare bill, I doubt anybody here actually read it.

to complicated
the problem with healthcare is that there is a greedy middleman between You and your doctor,, and they want MORE MORE MORE..every year..they are insurance companies

you gotta be a lawyer just to understand all the "legalese" in that monstrosity of a so-called health care bill, BEWARE!!

The reason that healthcare is such a mess is that no politicians are brave enough to stand up to the Healthcare lobby. They are extremely powerful.

you do realize that in business the main goal is to make a profit. so will these business men be out to make a profit?

also a lot of people in politics have a law background.

Sorry I had to stop reading when you claimed Bush was a businessman! Trying a bunch of failing business ventures with daddies money doesn't really make you a businessman. It just means you are unemployed and daddy is giving you money to run a business to keep you out of trouble.

Obviously we have somebody who didn't bother to read the CBO reports.

Seriously, the entire "Obamacare" act is just a consumer protection law. IT IS A GOOD THING.

There are 78 Republican members of Congress who are lawyers. Why did you fail to mention that fact?

Medical costs are high for many reasons. One of them is the failure of many people who are uninsured to pay their bills. A legitimate hospital will not turn away a sick or injured person who has no health insurance. What they wind up doing is then tacking those unpaid bills onto those of us who have insurance. That's why my insurance company was charged $ 5 for one Tylenol tablet on my last overnight visit. That's why my insurance company was charged for 2 ER rooms when I took my daughter in late one night with 104 fever and strep throat (they treated me also since I had it too and I was in the same ER room). Litigation is part of the problem also with lawsuits against hospitals, doctors etc. but that is only part of the problem, not all of it.

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Orignal From: Q&A: Does this explain why Healthcare is such a mess?