I put in a complaint to the hospital for clinical neglignce. The nuse knocked me out with NO anesthia consent signed. I wanted to keep some ovay never got to talk to dr woke up with nothing. Nurse told my husband to leave before this and return later that was four hrs before surgery. Took out a perfectly fine appendix as well no consent. Medical records state no conent had to tell supervisor. I got a call from vertical claim mannagement for claim. They said it can take up to three mnths yet the lady said it is on front burner and be done in three to four weeks now. What will happen? What steps take place? Not sure of what to expect they asked what I wanted gave them one large figure just for pain and sufferring. Thanks to all that will help

You need to discuss this with an attorney who specializes in medical malpractice.

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Orignal From: Tips: clinical negligence and claim management?