2 hosp. committed malpractice. My walking out of one hosp. actually saved my life. A second hosp. left a drain tube in me and, my Lawyers commited legal malpractice. I am now disabeled, however, I know I saved my own life. Many other errors happened the American people need to know what to do. My life is forever changed, I've lost everything and my medical bills are incredible. My daughter was unable to go to her prom, senior trip, get her ring do any of the things one looks forward to in their Senior year. I have been in and out of hospitals and atty. offices for 7 years. A Judge was asked by the Appelate Court on my case and 16 others to remove himself from these cases--WHY-- How is it in America this can happen. Why was this Judge asked to remove himself from my case. By the way 2 of my cases have been thrown out on a technecality???? Any thoughts or clues I just don't know anymore. Thanks for listening
The second answer that I read basically told me not to bother telling my story who would believe such a story, well, I'll tell you who believes it my Surgeons, one who has operated on me 5 times, my primary who see me every 2-3 months, my daughter and friends who have been there for my many surgeries, reccoperation and many follow-up Dr. appts. The hospitals that are being sued believe, the scars that are all over my stomach from going thru all the surgeries they remind me every day, the pain I deal with, it also reminds me. Disability (the Government Kind) believes me. Here's the 65,000.00 question has anyone else ever experienced anything like this. One of my Surgeon's who still operates on me said I had a better chance of winning the lottery and if his associates didn't know him they wouldn.t believe him either. So as unreal as this sounds I'm living it and I do regret that fateful day I walked into the Hosp. from hell for a very routine surgery.
the reason I walked out of the first Hosp. is that they were telling me my stomach was swelling due to gas. Well after 6 days of watching my stomach grow to an enormas size my intuition told me it was not gas so a friend of mine took me to another Hosp. were they did emergency surgery and removed 3 liters of urine in my body cavity I had sepsis, all my organs were burned and my intestines had to be removed and hand cleaned. The next day the Dr. inserter a tube into my kidney tru my back so i could urinate thru the tubes into the bag. That was a wonderful hosp and great surgeon that saved my life. It was the hosp. after that that left the drain tube and it wasn't discovered for nine months and I complained about the pain and after an x-ray was done 9mos. later the Dr.'s felt a foreign object had been left in me although they wern't sure what after surgery it was found to be a drain tube. My atty. missed a filing date amoung other things however I am running out of words. I am laughing
I truly am shocked at how narrow minded some of you are. When an atty. looks you in the face and says you will never believe this but I now havw committed legal malpractice on you, you now have the right to sue me. You all are right the only way to get anyone to believe except for the one's who have experienced this with me is to try to tell my story on some show along with my Dr.'s and documentation and anyone else they would like to speak who has seen this. I truly that if anything horrific happens to you that you don't have as hard a time to talk with someone about it and Fr. I will pray for you.
first of all my cases are PROVEN MED MAL. MY URINE OUTPUT WAS NEVER MONITERED that's where the first mal. was determined. i'm sorry if i can't explain properly however, my atty's have boxex and boxes of evidence and believe me it has been proven the reason the first one was thrown out was due to the letter of intent to sue with the ins. comminisioner was not sent that was why the first case was thrown out does that now make sense the second case was thrown out because my ols atty's missed a filing date by about 17 days this has been a comedy of errors do you remember the guy who had his wrong leg cut off why is this so unbelievable don't you think this couls happen maybe 1 in 1 billion it sure seems like. I used to be a Loan Officer I'm not nuts this truly did happen and I do have atty's I was just wondering if anyone has been thru somthing so screwed up as this just someone to talk to about it. Believe me there is no legal question as to if med mal occured everyone working with me nos

Audrey I
that's extreme. and sad. i feel for you. malpractice. psssh. ANYONE can get a diploma and flaunt it. but if you ask them what the diploma is for they'll give you a blank stare and say, "i gots me a dang diploma!" and skip away. silly silly. silly. go to canada and let their legal system deal. plus they have mounties. yay mounties!

Loss Leader
My best guess is - and bear in mind I have been a practicing lawyer for years - you are crazy. Everybody committed malpractice? The first hospital committed malpractice, the second hospital committed malpractice, the lawyer committed malpractice, the judge committed malpractice? Everybody is wrong but you? In my experience, when everybody but you has gone crazy, you are actually the one that is in the wrong.

Good luck fighting whatever fight it is that you're fighting. Don't bother trying to tell your story, no one will believe it.

after that long fairy tail, I think you have got an ambulance chasing lawyer looking to sue anyone for anything as long as he thinks that there is any money to be stolen from the hospital or the insurance company!

If you want to write an article, you can go to:

If they like, and accept your article, they will pay you.
I don't know the pay scale. The amount is not negotiable. Once the fee is offered, you accept or decline the offer.

well its a good thing ur letting ppl know, n i am truly sorry for whatever injury or pain n suffering the doctors or the lawyers have caused u, but u need to understand that just b/c one or two hospitals have committed malpractice doesn't mean that every hospital is nor every lawyer is!! again i am sorry for whatever u have been thru, this too shall pass!!

Let me see, not only did one hospital, the doctors there, the nurses on staff including the ward nurse commit a malpractice,( and because they were out to get you and you knew they were you just walked out against medical advice)

the next hospital let a drain tube in, and the doctors followup did not find it, now was it noticed at your hospital discharge.
( it was not suspose to be in for some reason medcially for you and removed latter ?)

Then after all of that, you lawher committed legal malpractice?

Ok, even I would say it sounds like you may be somewhat parinord and believe that alot of people are all out after you.

and if judges have an interest in anything about the case, ( like the judge owns stock in a medcial company or insurance company, or if he was or is a partner in a law firm being used by either party, are all grounds for asking for them to be excused.

And two cases thrown out, ?

Even if they were true, purely finding medical records to prove these charges, or someone from the hosptials to testify for you, will indeedd be a challenge.

And I am very sorry, but I have to be honest, the story is so far fetched I reallly have trouble beleiveing it. So I would say that in general, this will be your general reaction if you try to "tell" people since it was my general reaction.

Sorry, but another lawyer weighing in and agreeing with the lawyer above who said it best. It is highly improbable that EVERYONE, the doctors, the lawyers, the surgeons, etc., committed malpractice. It is far more likely that you are drawing unwarranted conclusions. Just because a surgery doesn't succeed does not mean the surgeon malpracticed. A legal case may be won or may be lost and you may not like the result -- but it doesn't in itself mean the lawyer malpracticed if it doesn't go your way.

I've seen many who sound just like you come and go, blaming everything that goes wrong on the perceived evil of others. Most lawyers worth their salt will not come within a New York mile of you, because they'd be buying themselves a guaranteed problem client. That usually adds to the list of the chronically aggrieved: "No lawyer will take my case!!"

I truly feel sorry for you, both for the bad things that have happened and for your apparent stubborn insistence upon playing the victim.

You are going to find it hard to get people to believe you from the small amount of information that you have given. It is also far fetched that two hospitals in a row and then an attorney all committed malpractice like that. I haven't seen the evidence so it really isn't fair for me to pass judgement on it. I tell you what, make a 360 and start telling your story. Present the evidence and give every tiny detail. Is your story possible? Yes. If you have enough evidence, you may be able to get someone's attention. Visit my 360 and if you want, I will look at your evidence and see if it is anything that I can tackle. Good luck to you.

Angela B
You really have a complex case history.

I don't even want to try to get into the merits of the case or who did the most wrong, but certainly the legal system let you down when it is supposed to be there to uphold your rights.

Lawyers should be reported to their respective bar associations for any misconduct on their part. Physicians reported to their respective colleges.

You may want to try to get this into the public, but working with media sometimes with my own cases is difficult, particularly when your case is complex, with all the twists and turns that you have tried to spell out but in more than a 30-second clip.

If you know anybody in the newspaper, TV or radio business, you may just want to informally sit with them to ask them what they would need in order to get your information publicized. One thing I do know is that media does not like to be sued for libel, so it is very important to have all of your facts in order and keep it as simple as possible.

Jimmy the Saint
Ok... let me preface this by saying that I too am an attorney and that there is not enough information in your description to render an accurate opinion about your case. Oftentimes clients will come into the office saying things like "my doctor committed malpractice." But once we get into the technical facts of the case, it's not malpractice at all. So, while I agree with the other attorneys who have responded in that it is HIGHLY unlikely that both hospitals and your attorney all committed malpractice, I will say that it is POSSIBLE. Therefore, let us assume for a moment that you are accurately describing your situation.

Let's say that the doctors at the first hospital misdiagnosed your condition and you saved your own life by walking out. Without knowing the particular facts of that situation, you may not have a viable case for malpractice against them. For example, it doesn't sound like any harm was done by their misdiagnosis, other than the inconvenience of you having to lay in a hospital bed for nine days. Now, let's assume that the second count of malpractice which you described is accurate, and some doctor somewhere left a tube inside your body. That IS malpractice, but you said that you aren't sure which surgery it was from. Therefore, you can't prove which doctor was at fault, so, unless you have more information concerning that, I would say that the second medical malpractice case will be almost impossible to win.

You said that the judge was asked by the higher court to remove himself. There can be several reasons for that -- maybe he used to represent one of the hospitals, for example. Maybe he was having problems at home, maybe he had a drug problem. Who knows. But the judge removing himself from the case would not change the value of the case. The case would just get assigned to another judge, and it would move on. So that part of your story doesn't matter.

You said that your attorney told you that he had committed malpractice, by missing a court date. Missing a date is malpractice, and you can pursue that, if you'd like. But in order to be compensated, you would have to basically show that you would have won your case had he not missed that date. And I doubt you can do that, for the reasons stated above.

You said that two of your cases have been thrown out on a technicality. I don't know what the technicality is, but I doubt that you are understanding the situation correctly. I don't mean to sound insulting, but I can't think of a "technicality" that would get a malpractice case thrown out. It may have been that they were dismissed on a Motion to Dismiss for failure to state a claim upon which relief may be granted. They were possibly lost on a summary judgment motion. But they were most likely NOT thrown out on a "technicality."

It sounds like you have experienced a very unfortunate situation, and I'm sorry for your loss. It also sounds like much of what has happened to you has not been properly explained in a way that allows you to understand it well. You are free to hire another attorney. Tell him or her your story, and see if they can help you.

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