Ok so I went to Kaiser two months ago for a walk-in appointment because I had a spider bite on my leg.
Anyways, since it was a walk-in appointment I got some random doctor whom I never met before. She gave me some cream for my bite and I asked her if she could order my asthma medicines to be refilled since I was there anyways.
I'm 19 and I have very bad asthma which I have had since I was little, and I have been on asthma medications almost all of my life. I use an albuterol inhaler most of the time and when I get really bad I use a nebulizer machine.
Well anyways, this doctor who never saw before took me off of my nebulizer that I have been on for years, since I was 5 I think. She just said that I didn't need it anymore and that it was for babies, even though every single doctor I have been to my whole life always refills my perscription for it and even recommend that I use it when I get really bad attacks.
Also she gave me zero refills on my rescue inhaler, which I use rather often because my asthma is so severe.
Well to make a long story short I just ran out of my inhaler and I only have one vial of medicine left for my nebulizer machince that she took me off of.
I didn't realize that I had zero refills until today when I was going to call the pharmacy to have them filled.
It is late at night right now but I plan on going to the hospital in the morning to get my medicines back from a different doctor, but right now I am really scared because have a cold (Which makes my asthma worse) and I have nothing except one vial of medicine to help me if I have an attack.
I have been hospitalized for asthma before and I have had several near death experiences as a result of my asthma, so is it malpractice for this doctor that I only met once to totally get rid of all of my asthma medications that I have been using for years on a regular basis?
I am very vulnerable to an attack right now, and in my opinion it is this doctor's fault if anything were to happen to me because what she did is endangering my safety.
I have very good insurance because my mom works for the state, so that really isn't the issue.
I don't have a problem getting another doctor and I don't have any insurance problems. I am also %100 positive my regular doctor will refill my medicines.
What I want to know is if it is malpractice to do what that particular doctor did since it effects my safety.
They might just prescribe you a bubble to save on cost. See a different doctor. Even if you're on a shitty HMO you still have some choice over who you see.
Orignal From: Tips: Is it medical malpractice to take a severe asthmatic off their medication?
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