To make a long story short, I had been sober for 2.5 years and I went in to get my wisdom teeth pulled. I told the oral surgeon and my sponsor about the situation - the doctor said pain medication would be necessary
I had my mom give me the pills as prescribed for the first two days, but the pills gave me a buzz and it was too much for me to handle. I threw away my two and a half years without a second thought and started using Oxycontin and Valium. The six day long binge ended me up in the ER. I had passed out in a gas station, just fainted.
After stabilizing me I was transferred to a detox center where I was for four days or so. The doctor got me on two pills of 2/0.5mg of Suboxone four times a day and sent me on my way. I made an appointment with her for a week later that I took off of work for, but the answering service said they didn't have any record of it. I scheduled another one but I had to reschedule it because everyone at my company is getting fired and we're all trying to to our best to keep our jobs.
There are two doctors at her office and they said I could just switch to the other one who does appointments on Saturdays. I thought great! and told them lets go ahead and do that.
Something about it agitated my doctor (I guess) and she pulled me off the medication after three weeks at a relatively high dose. Even the pharmacy though it was weird. The doctor would not return any of my pages and I'm now starting to go into some discomfort because I haven't taken the medicine since last night.
I don't know what to do. Everything was going fine until this happened. I'm working all day and then taking classes at night, missing even a few days of this class or work from withdrawal sickness could push things over the edge.
Hater Police
Not might be necessary to go cold turkey
I would change healthcare providers. I wanted to get off of narcotic meds because I was developing a dependency, but mine instead wrote me 3 more prescriptions for more narcotics.
if you get really sick from it, go to the hospital, and let them take care of you. forcing you to go cold turkey wouldn't be malpractice unless it caused you serious side effects that could otherwise have been prevented.
A lawyer would be able to tell you more, but unless you actually have a bad enough withdrawal to affect you, it'd be a waste of your money.
We can't answer this.
Go to a hospital ER.
Tell them everything.
The doc may be right or may be wrong.
You can file a formal complaint with your state licensing agency.
go to your state website and follow the links.
Kevin C
Hang on. Ask God to help you and he will. Take some Motrin and it will be over in a few days.
Orignal From: Tips: Is making someone go off of a medication cold turkey medical malpractice?
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