Medical malpractice reform savings would be small, report says

An analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found the savings -- about 0.5% or $ 11 billion a year at the current level -- far lower than advocates have estimated.,0,4877440.story

Respect and Responsibility
At least they are SAVING and not SPENDING.

Johnny Sokko
How much would be saved after doctors don't have to practice "defensive medicine" and order a battery of expensive tests on everybody they see to avoid being sued?

Besides that, how much would be saved by kicking out illegals from Emergency Rooms (unless they are at death's door)?

How much would be saved by easing government regulations on Health Insurance companies and allowing them to fairly compete with one another for the consumers' money, just like every other business?

Would all these savings translate into a "lot" as opposed to a "little"?

Okay, so at what monetary point is a reform worthwhile? $ 11 billion dollars is STILL a lot of money. And it's not just Republicans who are in favor of it.

the republicans have been trying to give that gift to the insurance company for years.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Tips: Why are republican so crazy about medical malpractice caps, they save barely anything?