how is that measured and is it the same as any other state, what if you have let your time limits run out?
by the way what do you really need to be able to show?

Kentucky is similar to most states. If the statute has run, your claim is barred and you are out of luck.

"Medical malpractice actions must be commenced within one year of the date of the act or omission giving rise to the injury. In the event that the malpractice cannot reasonably be discovered within that time, the lawsuit may be filed at a later time not to exceed five years after the date of the act or omission giving rise to the injury. Under Kentucky law, for unmarried minors, the statute of limitations begins to run when the minor turns eighteen. For married minors, the statute of limitations begins to run upon the date of marriage."

Miss Sweet
It may depend on the nature of the suit. For example: OB-GYN's may be sued up to 18 years after delivering for any neurological or physiological damage to the child that could have been a result of the prenatal care or birth process.

Sometimes the statute of limitations "clock" begins ticking after the discovery of the effects of the event (eg: you find out you had breast cancer last week, so the statute for suing the physician begins then rather than 2 years ago or such).

Consult a lawyer to be certain. Frivolous lawsuits are driving up the cost of malpractice insurance for physicians, thus driving up the cost of healthcare and health insurance for us all. ONLY SUE THEM IF YOU CAN PROVE 100% THAT THEY WERE IN THE WRONG. The ensuing bills for you and increased cost of healthcare for us all is not worth it if you lose.

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Orignal From: Does anyone know what the statutes of limitations for a medical malpractice lawsuit is in Kentucky?