I am applying to medical school and would love to learn more about people's opinions regarding the outrageous medical malpractice suits.
pat from ohio
In conjunction with tort reform, Doctor's opinions should be less important. There needs to be a "checklist" like pilots must use before takeoff. Every heart patient for example, should have the same diagnosis plan and treatment plans throughout the country. Uniformity keeps our airways relatively safe as every pilot must follow a specific set of rules.
This type of practice will not only reduce mistakes causing injury and death due to human error but it will also reduce spiraling medical costs.
I work in the medical field, and I understand how human healthcare can be. I feel physicians with bonafide malpractice suits should be made to surrender their license immediately, while the investigation is ongoing. Just today, I read about a malpractice suit in a town where I lived in. Apparently they physician prescribed chemo therapy to patients who did not need the treatment and he is still practicing medicine. Too often the peer review for practitioners does not impede the physicians who have serious suits against them. The only recourse for patients, are to take their concerns to court. These cases should only be of the type where the quality of life is affected, not frivilous lawsuits that many file.
I am not in the medical field but do have an opinion I feel that if a doctor has neglected or misdiagnosed a patent, then he or she must be disciplined i feel that some doctors go to school because of the big pay check, not the real reason we need doctors. treat the sick help the dieing ect. I feel many doctors take for granted that people can sue and they need to be knowledgeable in there profession and give good advice send people to the appropriate specialist I feel doctor sometimes ignore major symptoms just so they can have you return in a few weeks . basically its not the outrageous malpractice suits its the many unqualified doctors we should re-think who we give medical license's to in this country ... My advise to you is follow your dreams and be a good doctor and you will probley never see a malpractice suit toward you .. good luck
Orignal From: Medical Malpractice... Tort Reform anyone?
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