If you find a list of the yearly cost of malpractice of every state in the U.S., please copy it onto your answer. If not, please tell me the cost of it yearly in these states:
West Virginia
Rhode Island


Barry auh2o
It varies by specialty. A familiy practicioner who does no surgery will pay much less than a neurosurgeon.

In each of those states, for a vetrinarian, it's about $ 250 a year.

For all the others, it will depend on: which hospitals they have admitting priveleges to, the retroactive date on the policy, the limit of coverage, the type of medicine practiced, the type of procedures they do, the number of hours worked, the proximity to major city hospitals, How long they've practiced medicine, the prior claims history, and I'm probably forgetting a few other things. It can be anywhere from $ 500 for new dentists, to six figures for obstetricians and cardiac surgeons.

You may try to google it,here http://www.InsuranceFreeTip.info/insurance-for-free.htm has some direct resource that might be helpful.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Q&A: What is the cost of Medical Malpractice Insurance per year?