Legislation shall contain no unrelated ammendments
Implement the Fair Tax
Congressional Term Limits
Abolish the Department of Education
Official Language of the USA
Pass Nationwide Medical Malpractice Tort Reform
Congress shall not exempt themselves
Interstate Health Insurance Competetion
Drill Here Drill Now
cite Constitutional Authority for creating laws

Water Over Gold
Is the Fair Tax the thing Huckabee was pushing last year???

If so, I don't really like that idea.

...I agree...

Hollywood is 1 Big Trailer Park
Sounds good to me.

Curtis 1911
Yeah,,,,,,, I like them all,,,,,,,

Where do I sign ?

Northern Nights Rock
I have nothing against any of those, and would sign.

john d
Also any representative that commits a felony should be required to resign immediately.

Ignorant Americans Unite.

Levon the Man
Music to me ears!

Every single one is a legitimate idea which should be implemented into legislation.

What do you think? Answer below!

Orignal From: The T.E.A Party is taking ideas from the Citizens to send to Representatives, What do you think about these?