accidental killing is called manslaughter, but the closest i could find was something like negligent manslaughter, like daydreaming at the wheel and hitting a pedestrian. but what about pure innocence? like you're driving along at the speed limit, not close to the sidewalk or anything, there's parked cars to the side, and a child runs across the street right in front of your car right as your passing it, no chance to swerve, no chance to react, just boom dead.

i'm wondering because i was watching Bones, and in one of the episodes a mortician receives a body, declared dead by two medical professionals, sticks something into the body, the body jerk in reaction and the mortician stabs the victim to death. he said he watched too many zombie movies. is there any negligence there? should that even be called manslaughter?

its the same thing. Manslaughter. Thats pretty much what an innocent murder is.

its called an accidental death. No more. No less.

this is still your fault according to driving laws, even if you couldn't do anythig about it, it's your responsibility to pay attention.
you may get a suspended sentence, but it's still manslaughter.
as for the episode youmetnioned, he may not have gottne manslaughter, maybe even accidental homicide, but he would still loose his job as he did kill a person.

For a murder, there must be malice.

For manslaughter, there must be negligence.

For a fatality where neither malice nor negligence was involved, it's simply a fatal accident.

Killing w/o intention is called Negligence leading to Homicide.

Lots of misconceptions out there. An "accident" is of two types: negligent or Act of God. If it is completely unforseeable, then there is no negligence, such as your car being hit by a meteor. If you COULD have avoided a collision by proper attention and control, then that is, by definition, negligence (for failure to adhere to the duty to use reasonable care in all circumstances).

If you were a medical doctor who didn't think to check that a body was already dead before plunging a scalpel into it, and to ignore that duty fails the relevant standards of conduct in that profession, then that would be, in my opinion, negligent. Thereby causing a death would thus be negligent homicide also known as manslaughter.

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Orignal From: Tips: What is it called when you kill someone with no fault on your part, and what is, if any, the punishment?