Instead of taking on serious cases? Are there reasons why lawyers prefer these frivilous lawsuits? Do the lawyers still get paid whether the case wins or not?


parasites on steroids $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ...

Adam B
They don't. You'd have to be desperate and foolish to take on a case with absolutely no merit. No only won't you get paid, but you risk professional sanction for filing meritless actions.

civis totius mundi
When I took Business Law my professor spoke about this one day.
He said that when the Judge looks at the paperwork for a case and thinks it's frivolous, he gets the attorneys into his office and asks them "Why are we here?" If one of them can't give a good reason, the case gets immediately dismissed.

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Fox is owned by Red China boycot
it is all about greed. that is why some lawyers drive Mercedes and Lexus cars and live in fancy homes

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Why do lawyers take on frivilous medical malpractice cases?