like ,percriptions,secondarry infections,misdiognosed

I don't think so. There have been some studies about medical errors, and they are way too common, but they certainly pale in comparison to heart disease, cancer, and stroke!

I think it is very hard to know for sure if an error has been made (people are not usually going to volunteer that they have made mistakes), and it is also hard to know if the person has died because of an error or because he/she was very sick in the first place, so there is always going to be a lot of speculation when coming up with actual numbers.

The good thing about the report below (1st source) is that it opened a lot of eyes and started everybody thinking about ways to improve patient safety. I don't know how much progress has been made -- it is a very complicated problem with many causes -- but it is now a much higher priority than it was in the past, which is very good.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Are medical mistakes the 3rd leading cause of death in America ?