My uncle passed away last week due to hospital error. He was a single man with no children. Can my family file a medical malpractice suit on his behalf? Or can only a spouse or son/daughter sue? This is in FL. Don't know if each state is different?

I think that you have two things to consider here.
Yes, the next of kin is able to report/deal with/sue someone.
The family is in the grieving process so everyone should make sure they have reached out for help before making decisions.

Yes, your uncle's heir can file.

Be aware that if the heir wasn't close to the uncle while he was alive, he or she will come across as looking very greedy if the case ever gets in front of a jury.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Can family file a medical malpractice lawsauit in behave of a single relative with no kids?