Or is to get complete government control of our health care system their real goal.

They are not even discussing the number one reason for the high cost of health care and that is medical malpractice lawsuits.

complete and utter POWER

This is really another way for the govt to take more control over out lives. plain n simple

Bethany J
Nope. Only liberal Democrats believe Democrats are trying to fix healthcare. The rest of us know the real plot is to kill off a bunch of the elderly to save social security.

The second part of your question has been answered many times.*

not about health or care ,it is about grabbing your wallet and controlling your life.

This kind of irrational fear drives me nuts. I believe they really are trying to fix the health care system. We pay too much for too little coverage, and it's been a problem for some 60 years now.

Even if the Democrats got 'complete government control of our health care system', what the hell would they do with it? Kill certain groups of people like Glenn Beck would have you believe? That is completely ridiculous. Sometimes I cannot believe the stuff I read on here.

Jennifer W
No. Only the naive would put their lives in the hands of politicians and expect a good result. I believe the problem is most liberals can't accept defeat even if it means winning might kill them and their entire family. If the liberals are concerned with the health of others, why are they cutting medicare benefits? Bush didn't cut benefits. He made sure the elderly and disabled were being taken care of. ;-)

Looks like a power grab to me!

Does anyone think the insurance companies are the only ones's blocking health care reform? The highest paid republican received 7.3 million last year from insurance lobbyists to stop it. Do you really think they believe in death panels, death squads and popping off Grand Ma? I would be ashamed to be a republican.

No, us Liberal Democrats are the only ones that are actually trying to reform the health care system! The system is broke and we must fix it, now! Repube NeoCon right-wingers, if you aren't part of the health care reform solution, you truly are part of the problem and you should be ignored like this issue and everything but Iraq were in the last administration!!!!!!!!

What do you think? Answer below!

Orignal From: Does anyone besides liberals really believe the Democrats truly are trying to fix health care?