If the doctor thought the surgery was so risky for 100% of patients why would he perform it on his wife ? There have been articles written on this story in spanish.The women in this video is his wife . Also everyone is saying people are going blind but the fact is no one has gone blind since it came out 7 years ago.That makes 30- 60 % blindness in accurate. Besides the doctor stating he would need to perform clinical trials and make statistics to back up this percent that he made up from the top of his head. If 600 people had surgery since 2002 that means 180 to 360 are blind. Please bring proof of one blind person since so many are going blind lol. The redness and increase eye pressures superficial are not permanent with those few patients complaining. The implant did not agree with them as no foreign medical device is perfect. As you see once Javis removed the implant everything went back to its norm no longer needing drops to manage the sideffects with those few. And why are people using the term cataracts lol this is something that happens gradually years after. If the implant did not agree with you then it should be removed unless your too busy making videos keeping in for years then obviously something is not right with that person. If your eyes are fine and you get your normal eye check ups cataracts doest just pop up over night. Its funny how most people are sheep one person uses a term blind cataract scam and everyone goes along with it without evaluating pros in ...
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August 18-19, 2010 This presentation reviews obstetrical liability and current malpractice trends in obstetrical practice. The presenters discuss clinical risk management approaches for three of the highest risk areas: cesarean sections, forceps deliveries, and shoulder dystocia; ways to avoid communication failures that can lead to adverse maternal or neonatal outcomes; and approaches to reducing risks during pre- and postnatal care provided in the health center or clinic. The presentation also covers: • Strategies to improve perinatal safety while reducing risk • Examples of malpractice cases resulting in high dollar awards • Use of practice guidelines, "bundles," and checklists • The importance of training and credentialing of providers and staff • How a culture of safety, teamwork, and communication can positively impact perinatal outcomes
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Orignal From: Dr. Delary Alberto Kahn gave his wife a New Eye Color for her Birthday