Even after the incident, was told by my management that it would be in my best of interest to go to the E.R and miss work that it would be covered. Just got in the mail that the claim was denied and I am responsible for the medical bills, which includes at least 4 x-rays. Should I hire a lawyer or what?

65% water
Not enough details. I would assume this is a worker's comp claim since you were injured at work. Was it filed with worker's comp? If so why would you get the bills?

find a good liability lawyer who will take your case on a contingency basis, don't sign off on anything. you went to the e.r under your "employers instruction", after being "injured at your employers place of business" and also "your work place". use an out of town attorney who doesn't have to worry about ruffling feathers where he lives. there lawyer referral services available by searching the inet and your states legal services. also check with your states labor dept. if you missed any regular scheduled work hours because of your accident , exam and treatment. don't say anything to anyone connected with your job or friends about this until your atty. settles your case for you. good luck.

Yes, hire an injury or work comp. attorney.

A lot of lawyers will work on contingency.

Management can't bind a claim to an insurance company. Workers comp claims - and eligibility - are strictly defined by each state. If you weren't working, it's not covered.

If you're hurt, you're hurt.

And maybe they meant that your shift would be covered, or your absence would be covered by another employee.

You'll have to submit the bills to your health insurance company, or pay them yourself.

If you get a free lawyer consult, they'll tell you the same thing.

You're not telling all the details - just a vague reference to being injured "before shift." Evidently, your employer or employer's WC insurer has determined that the injury is not work-related.

First of all what is the reason of denial? I need to know , maybe its denied as not a medical emergency... lets just say that is the denial .. what you will do is submit an appeal..... call your insurance why was it denied and what can i do to process? IF there are medical records needed , ask what they are..... and submit a written appeal together with that records.....

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Orignal From: Injured at work before shift, insurance medical claim was denied, now am stuck with bill. What to do now?