I signed with my lawyer on 10/2006 and have yet to see anything being done.. nothing at all have I recieved from them that they are working on anything... they said they are still requesting my medical records and that they have until sometime in 2008 to file with I believe the state. How do I know they are not wasting my time with them and that I need to find a new lawyer... I never get any answers when I call nor do I get call backs.. very frustrating because I would like to know if they are moving my case forward or not.
2 years from what ...what do they use for timing

Snowboard Z
Sorry...dont know about NY. in VA you have two years to file paperwork with the courts.

addtional info: they use the date the incident happened. Your attorneys may have already filed with the courts. Usually they go through a really long process before they spend money on anything.

good luck. sorry i cant be more helpful.

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