So heres the story, my sister in law was due for a scheduled C-Section this past Tuesday the 3rd of June. She wound up going to the hosp on Monday morning because she didnt feel the baby move since Sunday. She gets to the hospital and the doctor tells her there is no hope the baby is gone. This was 12noon monday, the doctor didnt arrive to remove the baby from her until 8:00 that night.

The messed up thing is the baby died because she didnt have enough fluid and the cord was wrapped around her neck. My sister in law went to the doc 2 weeks ago saying she felt like her water broke and there was blood, they checked her and told her shes ok to go home. But they did NOT give her a sonogram. And she was NOT scheduled to come to doctors appointments the last month of her pregnancy. Her last appointment was May8, they scheduled her for her C-section on June2 and said bye see you then.The hospital/doctor had no remorse, they were even laughing during the c section.Do you think this is case?

call a lawyer you should have an app every week in the last two months of pregnancy and they should have done a test to see if her water had broken by using a cotton swab that will turn colors if water has broken. the cord around the neck is not uncommon but the fluid should have been seen by a doctor.

Alyssa's mommy
I highly doubt doctors were laughing during a c-section.

It does sound like you have a case though. Call a lawyer.

Possibly. You should get a free consultation with a medical malpractice lawyer to be sure though. I'm so sorry.

i would defenitely sue for wrongful death or malpractice...there could have been more done to prevent this from happening...get a good lawyer and go for it

Worth looking into!! TT

Oh my god you should definitley get a lawyer thats just horrible its almost like murder to the poor thing!may she rest in peace and may god and all the saints up in heaven watch and mind her amen.

Im sorry for your familes lost, this would be a horrible thing to go thru. From my experience, and I have little medical training, but do know, that you know when your water breaks. Its a gush.
There is such a thing as leaking fluid, but this is constant, so would have been constant for 2 weeks prior. I do find the circumstances odd, having so few appointments.

HOWEVER, one of these reasons could be there is a shortage of OB/GYNs in this country. One of the main reasons is high malpractice insurance costs, limit people from going into this. So a shortage of docs, would lead to a shortage of appt slots. In this case, I would definitely ask to get it investigated, look into something like a Patients Advocate, but hold off on the suing until you know more. That just contributes to the problem and makes you look more like you want money than answers.

Mystress L
Yes! Make that call!! Tell her to put everything in a journal - dates, times, what happened - EVERYTHING. She will need it when she has to defend her case. GOOD GOD!!! Yes this is the doctors fault completly! She should have been having weekly visits at this point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give her a hug for me please! OOOOHHH this makes me want to hit something! Tell her she is not alone with her grief and tears. I'm so very sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh my god I am very sorry...this is horrible both for the mother and baby and loved ones. I think she should def. sue them, she needs to get a alwyer involved though. Not being seen in the last month of pregnancy already in itself constitutes medical negligence and malpractice, as the last month is evry crucial bc labor could happen anytime.
as far as thinking her water broke and them :checking" her, how exactly did they check her if the case turned out to be that the water ewas leaking? Bc ive had this porblem too where I thought I was lelaking water and I wouldnt get a sonogram but they would check the discharge under a microscope and it would reveal it was discharge and not fluid. I agree they shouldve given her a sonogram though bc she was bleeding.
also, that she was there at 12 noon and the doctor waited 8 hours to remove the baby also constitutes medical malpractice and mistreatment.
I cant ebeleive they were laughing during the c-section...what do you eman? the baby died so they still did a c-section? I am having trouble understanding details of this story, it's very bizarre.

I would sue. She should have been seen once a week in her last month of pregnancy. That's why it is so important to read and not totally depend or rely on a doctors every word, for they are humans and are prone to mistakes. Hense the reason
I just left my doctor, and I'm happy with this one. This is sad and I'm very sorry for her loss.

Ladies it is up to us to educate ourselves, about our bodies
and our babies. Cause no one can protect them like we can.

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Orignal From: Tips: Can you sue for wrongful death/medical malpractice of an unborn child that wasin the mothers womb for 9months?