My wife injured her back 5 years ago while lifting a patient that weighs over 300lbs. She was a CNA, and was put on workers comp for less than 1 month, and the doctor released her to go back to work. She bulged 2 disks (L4, L5) 4mm, and the doctor knew this by ordering an MRI. She was supposed to go to physical therapy, but it was never ordered. Now, 5 years later, the disks have progressed to 7mm, and an attorney has taken her case. She hasn't been able to return to work since, and the attorney got her into another workers comp doctor who says that she needs to have surgery (this time they are willing to help. Funny what happens when an attorney gets involved). The attorney says that they are going for medical benefits to fix her back, and a settlement based on WC negligence that caused the injury to progress. She has applied several times for SSI/DI, and has been denied every time, and every appeal. Realistically, what should we expect? We live in CA.
I Know The Answer
you should only expect to be compensated for the amount of lost pay she has had but being released by the doctor may cause problems with the suit
Orignal From: Tips: How much should my wife expect as a settlement by suing workmans comp?
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