my pinkey is disabled from surgical malpractice and gets in my way. i want to cut it off. how should i go about a live show.
WTF?? Why would you want to cut off your pinky and let people watch you do it? That is messed up.
If you made ANY money off of it I'm sure you'd end up spending more on the trip to the hospital for infection and severe blood loss.
Ladii S
wow,I think the real question is how much should you charge? because I'd definitely be willing to watch
Compressed Fart Tycoon
I think you should do your head instead. It appears disabled too, perhaps from genetic misfeasance.
No! but it is legal to cut off your penis,GO FOR IT!................freakin moran.
Are you in this class Spikoli ? " I am today ! "
You'll end up using the money you've collected if any for medical bills or could possibly die from blood loss or infection. Don't do it, not wise!
well, im the one with the f*cked up pinkie. this thing is my arch enemy,and there is nothing the doctors can do (they tried twice). I cant sue because i signed some stupid paper giving them permission to operate, so im stuck with thousands and thousands of dollars worth of bills, and there is nothing i can do about it... or is there? Im sure if i can legally go through with it, enough people will agree to watch. why not. ill keep you updated
Orignal From: Tips: is it legal to make money by amputating my pinkie live on the internet?
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