When I was 5 months old, I was diagnosed with brain cancer "desmo plastic ganglio glioma." At the time, I was the 3rd person to ever survive with the cancer, and am actually doing ok.

Regardless, my mother was put on some kind of medicine (she has all of the facts and such, this is off of the top of my head) to stop her contractions during the pregnancy. Once we found out that I had the cancer, looking back at the medicine, it caused tumors in the rats that it was tested on, and it is now beleived that this is what caused my cancerous tumor...that almost killed me.

From what I understand, right after I was diagnosed, many many cases of this type of cancer were showing up in babies...assumably because the medicine was used a lot back then. The name trubutaline (*sp) is sticking out for some reason...however, my mom was on several medicines, so this might not have been the one that caused the cancer

I was born in '91, and the cancer was found in 1992

Retarded Possum
Your best place to ask this question would be a medical malpractice attorney. You probably see ads on tv everyday for them. Or check the back cover of your phonebook, I see them on almost every phonebook in the country. It may seem that you have some cause for a case, but proving it would be difficult at best. As for the length of time....well...don't hold your breath!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: What do you think this medical lawsuit will yeild, and how long would it take?