Jason W
Because doctors are human, and make human mistakes

Because doctors and nurses don't listen to their patients enough anymore. I was almost killed because a nurse didn't listen to me when I told her they had changed my medication and she made me take it anyway. At least with car accidents we have the possibility of avoiding or minimizing our injuries.

They mean well(Doctors), but a lot has to do with side effects of the meds, fatiuge etc.

Face it, a cat nap and enrgy drink along with coffee just does not fly.

When it wears off you crash. You take a prescription for this problem and you develope another one. It's an on-going cycle.

Since June 2005 I've been drinking this all antuarl product Via and within the 1st month my Cholesterol dropped from 400 to 200 and my doctor was amazed and asked me to get him information on it.

Eel Boy
Modern medical science is based on making money, not healing people. You alone can heal yourself.

michael o
people have license to drive cars, Dr.s are 'practicing' medicine, he he I am a licensed NREMT-I

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Orignal From: why are more people killed by medical mistakes then car accidents?(per year)?