Hello, I'm a researcher for a local talk show and after doing some research on health insurance costs and universal health care proposals it struck me...why doesn't the government, instead of paying for everyone's health care...everywhere...just pay the malpractice insurance for doctors?

It seems that this would at least lower the cost of medicine and treatment because the doctors wouldn't feel the need to practice "defensive medicine" and wouldn't have to charge so much to cover their malpractice premiums.

I can't find much information on this so I was wondering if any doctors, or medical experts could set me straight or answer the question.

We want less government intervention not more. The bureaucracy would still increase the costs. The trial lawyers will fight it all the way as they have done with the caps on their medical suits where they get 30 to 50%. Ask Edwards where he got all his money..

I worked in health care for 18 years, so I think I can speak about this subject with some authrority.
The idea you have about the feds paying malpractice insurance would be great, except for several inherent problems:
1. A doctor gets sued several times because he is incompotent, his rates go up; Does the government pay the increased rates?
2. What about the attorney who files a frivilous lawsuit, and the malpractice rates increase. Case in point, an anesthesologist I know got sued for several reasons, by the same patient. One of the things she claimed in the suit was she had nerve damage, and could no longer grasp her husband's penis to masturbate him, yet she just took a job as a typist.
When the anesthesologist called his malpractice carrier, they asked who the attorney was, they immediatly looked into their database and said dont worry, this attorney files suits all the time and waits until the final moment and settles out of court. Who is going to pay the damages, in a situation like that?
Lastly, do you honestly think that hospitals, and physicians will actually lower their rates if the malpractice insurance is covered? I can tell you right now there is no way they will, they will look at it as free money in their pocket.

What do you think? Answer below!

Orignal From: Why doesn't the Federal Government just take over Malpractice Insurance?