Auto Insurance/attorney.?

Posted by 70sfamily | 11:54:00 AM

I was involved in a parking lot accident about a month ago. I was backed into while i was trying to park in the parking spot next to the car backing. She literally did not look behind her and cut her wheel before she started backing instead of backing straight out of the spot and gunned it. Common sense tells me if you back up into something its your fault because you should have seen it, however her insurance has placed me at fault because she said I hit her (I was trying to back up but only managed to put my car into neutral because there wasn't enough time and I didn't honk because my reaction was to move out of the way) I have about $ 2000 dollars worth of damage to the side fender of my car (how can i hit someone with the side of my car?)

So I've missed a months worth of income and I can now go back to work but not with my full time status only part time because my employer only has part time to offer me now. I am still going to the doctor and paying out of pocket for it, I'm taking prescriptions i have to pay for, and also physical therapy three times a week.

My lawyer told me today that it may not be worth going after. So I'm left with a broke car, medical bills, and lost wages because someone was negligent and backed into me? I am not prepared to let someones negligence cost me a vehicle (which will not run because the radiator is busted),who knows what in medical costs, and my full time job status, along with my benefits (health, dental, vision, prescription, life insurances) . Has anyone been in this srt of situation or can anyone offer some advice?

I mean really, how can i hit another vehicle with the side of my car while it is in neutral?
No police report was done since it was private property, but he did give us both a paper stating what both vehicles were doing, there were also no witnesses. It's basically he said she said, other than the paper the officer gace us stating she was backing up...
Thank you Ken K. Let me clear it up - I am a nurse I am not trying to make lots on money I can do that on my own. Second I have medical insurace to cover the bill if auto co doesn't - but that makes healthcare coverage higher for everyone else and so why do YOU want to pay for someone's negligence.
Sorry if i come off as money hungry.
I am an honest person who makes an honest living and I need my soft tissue to be able to lift and your elderly family memeber and friends.

My medical will be paid reaguardless. My car and lost wages however will not be returned. I am a mother of 2 small children and am paying to put both myself and my fiance through school.

I don't care if I don't get "pain and suffering" I just want what is mine, and I want to be able to know I can do my job and take care of my patients to my best ability.
i have geico, but only liability so they aren't exactly jumping head over heels to help. Funny thing is - it was payday and I was going to buy full coverage right after i got home since I had just bought the car (paid full in cash) but I only had enough insurace to legally get me home from the dealer! I have the worst luck...

ken k
aaaaahhhhhhh get new lawyer/talk to your ins co they should be handling medical/if you only have soft tissue damage you will not get anything other than exact medial bills/i am sorry but you come across with the medical as somebody trying to make a lot of money from nothing/this is basically what your lawyer is telling you/if second lawyer brushes you off take the hint

If you have a good insurance company, they should have handled the situation for you. That really is the difference between good auto insurance and cheap insurance. I've been in the same situation before, and after going through all the bs (and switching to a legit insurance company), I feel a civil lawsuit is the only way to get things done anymore.. Which is sad. Good luck.

Nate W
Where is your insurance company in all of this? Did you have collision coverage? If so, call them and get them to work! They will fix the car, less your deductible and help you fight the other insurance company. Do you have medical payments coverage or personal injury coverage? Use that for your medical bills. Do you have rental car coverage? They will pay for a rental while your car is being fixed.
If you do not have any of these coverages, you'll have provide proof that the other person was at fault. The burden of proof is on you. Check to see if the parking lot is video taped by a local store. If you have any "unbiased" witnesses, try to get written statements from them. Call the police officer that wrote the report and see if they are willing to provide a statement.

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