Death through medical negligence at same level as road accident fatalities

When people visit a hospital, nursing home, clinic or any other medical institution, they have a right to assume that the attention they receive from the institution's staff of doctors, nurses or lab technicians meets the standards of medical practice. If any member of the staff fails to meet such standards, it is considered a case medical negligence.

Studies estimate, the number of people loosing their lives due to medical negligence are nearly the same as the number of victims who die in road mishaps. Medical negligence also causes permanent or temporary injuries to the patients which leads to unwanted pain, trauma, suffering and expenses- that could have been easily avoided if the medical professionals were a bit more cautious.

Medical Negligence Scenarios

There are various scenarios which could cause a medical negligence and include situations like misdiagnosis, non-diagnosis or delayed diagnosis. Other situations that can result in medical negligence cases involve medication blunders like, wrong quantity of medication, incorrect medication and life-threatening medications. Errors committed by medical staff during surgery and child birth are also considered serious cases of medical negligence.

In recent news that throws some light on prevailing medical negligence cases in UK, a jury has termed the malpractice as "manslaughter by gross neglect"; an example of such a case was that of a woman in Bristol, who died of overdose three years ago. The 56 year old was getting treatment for multiple myeloma- a bone marrow cancer when a doctor quadrupled her dosage.

Liability was admitted and is negotiating compensation in an out-of-court settlement with the family. Dr Chris Burton, Medical Director of the trust was quoted by the BBC: "North Bristol NHS Trust would like to take this opportunity to repeat its sincere apologies and condolences to [the woman's] family and friends. The Trust has co-operated fully with external investigations into the circumstances surrounding [her] death."

Seeking a Medical Negligence Compensation Claim

Not everything can be measured in money and medical negligence compensation will not always be able to pay for the pain and trauma one suffers from carelessness of the other. Medical negligence is a serious case of breach of trust as patients usually suffer from both physical and mental injuries caused due to negligence of medical professionals who patients trusted, with their lives. Therefore, medical negligence compensation should always be considered.

A medical compensation claim provides a legal recourse for the victims of medical negligence to voice against the injustice. If the claim is won, it holds the defendants responsible for their negligence. Moreover, it sends a warning to the fraternity to be more careful while attending patients or face the consequences.

While pursuing a medical negligence claim, it is always advisable to approach a claims firm. A solicitor from the company will make an assessment of the injury and will further advise the victim on the available options. First the solicitor will try to make an out-of-court settlement with the defendants. If the claim is still disputed, the case moves to the court. A good solicitor, with his/her knowledge and expertise, should definitely be able to get victim an acceptable compensation from the defendants.

Find out how to make a no win no fee claim if you have been injured.

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