LOL...With GOP "health plan" it will go up 100% in the next year up to ~$ 20,000/per family

Like a bazillion $ $ $ 's.

According to Reid it would save 54 billion a year. He says that is pocket change and not worth the change. Go figure.

Pluto C. Rat
Who is "we"? You and the legal industry?

Perhaps you ARE aware that your rich class thieving legal industry rules to its own rules, right? To get a cap like that through your thieving lawyers is like getting multimillion dollar bonuses back from AIG execs.

There's no evidence anywhere that proves that limiting malpractice lowers the rate for insurance coverage. I was able to pull up a handful of acedemic studies that did not find a connection in a couple of minutes. You should try google.

Of course, we should always be looking after insurance companies' bottom line for them at all times. I mean wouldn't it be easier for them if medical negligence was acceptable?

Patrick G
Capping lawsuit claims isn't enough. You have to reform the type of claims that can be brought.

For example, one of my previous partners excised an ingrown toenail and had a lawsuit brought against him because the nail grew back with a ridge in it.

The patient did not use the appearance of her feet as a source of income but she brought a suit claiming physical and mental distress. She asked for $ 1.5 million. The insurance company settled for $ 275K.

If we eliminate junk lawsuits then the cap wouldn't be necessary.

Deb M
Alan Grayson was just on the Bill Maher show and stated that Bush commissioned a report on medical malpractice lawsuits. The best they could do is less than 1 percent. Below is the article that, here is an excerpt:

The best attempt to synthesize the academic literature on medical malpractice is Tom Baker's The Medical Malpractice Myth, published last November. Baker, a law professor at the University of Connecticut who studies insurance, argues that the hype about medical malpractice suits is "urban legend mixed with the occasional true story, supported by selective references to academic studies." After all, including legal fees, insurance costs, and payouts, the cost of the suits comes to less than one-half of 1 percent of health-care spending. If anything, there are fewer lawsuits than would be expected, and far more injuries than we usually imagine.

Interesting in the article that was published in 2006, it states that Hillary and Obama want to to cut the number of medical malpractice cases by reducing medical errors. Hmm, that should be the priority and highlights the stark differences between republicans who think only of money and the Dems who think how to make it better for people.

The idea is a great one... thing is... it doesn't work that way...

In Texas, a short while back... legislation was put through that capped medical malpractice lawsuits to a limit of $ 250,000 ... under the guise that this would bring doctor fees down and hospital care down, ect.... and, rates would be lowered....
the only thing that it did... was create a situation where... the lousiest doctors known to mankind have made Texas into a haven...because they can come here... and, essentially, outright kill a patient and the only recourse that the family has... is a quarter million dollar lawsuit....

Doctor fees are still sky high.... hospital costs are still sky high.... and insurance rates continue to go up annually.....
So... don't let them pull this little game of ...."give us what we want...and you'll get what you want"... where ever it is that YOU live....
You'll see a definite drop in the quality of care... and you'll never see a single dime in savings.... and, God Forbid that you ever have to file a claim under such a ruling... have essentially reduced the value of every single person's life... to the capped amount... no matter HOW off based the care that they received..... absolutely criminal !!

The Medical lobbys and the Insurance lobbys are the ones behind this one... and they have paid major money to see that it is pushed... for it is in THEIR BENEFIT to the tune of BILLIONS for this to happen.... without one single guarantee to the consumer at all.... which will NOT happen ....

☼ ////

Jonny B
We wouldn't want to upset all of Obama's Lawyer buddies now would we?

Dumber than you even remember
6/10 of 1% of all money in the healthcare system is spent on lawsuits settlements. That's $ 6 out of every $ 1,000.

How do YOU put a dollar figure on pain and suffering?
Or on being scarred?
Having the wrong limb cut off?
Treated with the wrong medicine/wrong dosage?
Bad initial diagnosis led to fatal disease.
Doctor-caused birth defect?

Isn't the ESSENCE of a conservative value system: the idea of "personal responsibility?"
Therefore, is it not just and fair that a 'wronged' patient should have the right to legal recourse?
Now: put a price on:
*needing 24/7 care the rest of your life because an anesthesiologist didn't do his/her job and your brain was starved of oxygen for 10 minutes?
*your surgeon removed the WRONG cancerous leg/ear/testicle, etc etc etc.

Here: Fill in YOUR valuation of the above $ ________. __, but before you do, put yourself in the situation/s above...


Give your answer to this question below!

Orignal From: If we capped medical malpractice lawsuits at $400,000 how much would medical insurance go down?