I live in Michigan & I'm getting ready to take my ex-husband to court after 6 years of not having to pay ANY child support. We've gone before & he has always claimed to he's not working & can't affort to pay child support.The judge always take pitty on him & I get screwed over. He is on disability & get at least $ 1,700 a month for the, plus he gets money from the V.A from when he was in the Army & he suffered an injury. But it's not like he has any bills, I know that in 2005 he won this HUGE medical malpractice law suit. With the money he bought a farm with 20 acres & another 10 across the road from there. He has farm equipment. bulldozers, backhoes, semi truck, trailers, & much more. He pays cash for everything, I just need to prove it to the judge so that when we go to court it's not my word agianst his. Personally I don't care what he has or owns but after 6 years I'd really like him to have to do something for our kids.
I'm not being one of those mother who with hold vists ~ as a matter of fact they are with HIS MOTHER until the 10th of this month. He has decided not to do ANYTHING for our children. No birthdays not Christmas' no visits. I'm not the bad parent here. I don't think he is either he just doesn't have his priorities in order.
I never said we are having money problems ~ I'm just fed up with getting stuck holding to bad so to say. He fathered my 3 children & should have to DO SOMETHING for them. Maybe if he has to pay $ 50 or so a week that will remind him that he has 3 kids.

just curious
He has to pay taxes on his vehicles. Normally one just goes to City Hall and asks to research the grand list from all citizens. Being that he has business equipment you may just need to find the business name and address. As an entity this property and said business should appear on records, though you may have to ask for a grand list for businesses. Try his address first as that will show a tax payment much greater than the average home then you can argue that his business is situated from home and due to the size of the property he has more tax records concealed from the court.

John W
Well, for any vehicle that is registered, you could check with your Dept. of Motor Vehicles. Your problem may be that the farm equipment may not be registered. Try taking pics. Also, his ownership of the farm could be confirmed by the Recorders Office in the county where it is located. That may be more help than the ownership of the vehicles.

I don't know MI law, but assume that there is some court discovery process where you can make him answer questions about his assets. If you haven't done so, you really should talk to a MI attorney.

Are you giving him visitation? Maybe he isn't paying because you;re being a jerk to him. Also, $ 1700 is not a lot of money, especially because he probably has really bad insurance (medicaid) and has to pay for medications and the like.

You kind of said it yourself. You can't prove it. If youc an;t prove he has all sorts of money, he probably doesn't.

hmmm... money problems ;)

get a job honey ;)

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