I was in a car accident about a month ago. Both drivers were performing a left hand turn at the same time. (Not in an intersection.) The other driver ripped out of the parking lot she was making the left hand turn and not paying attention, hit me while I was making my left hand turn. It was a minor fender bender. No police were called, I offered her a partial settlement for the damage as I felt I was partially at fault. (Arizona is a comparable negligence state, meaning each driver can be cited for a percentage at fault.) She refused and is expecting me to pay the full thing, she also threatened now to go to a doctor and is now saying that this accident has caused her injuries. (After she was unhappy with what I offered.) I have the voicemail's recorded. My shoulder has been killing me since the accident, but it's something I was hoping would clear on its own and I didn't want to make the situation complicated.

So a couple questions... This is all becoming he said she said, what do I tell my insurance company? (I haven't said anything to them yet.) I mean obviously tell them what happened but since we agreed to settle this without insurance, is that not a verbal contract? Even if we are both deemed at fault that means both of our insurance rates will go up.

Should I go to a doctor about this shoulder pain? I don't have health insurance and cant afford to pay it out of pocket, so I don't know what to do. Like I said I didn't want to make this complicated, but the pain is getting progressively worse but I also cant afford to be stuck with all sorts of medical bills. Then if were both at fault, that means my insurance is responsible for half of her medical bills.

I wish I would have called the cops, I am almost sure she would have been cited. But with her now claiming she wasn't turning and was going straight, what can I do? Are they going to believe her?

Pork Patty
Tell your insurance company what YOU say. And call the cops and tell them too. Next time, call them right away.

The first person to call the police is the most credible. Liars do not call the police, and the police know it.

And go to the doctor, of course. D'oh!!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Other driver lying about car accident, unclear who is at fault...?