This is not meant to be insulting; however, I've always wondered, "Are lawyers smart, or do they just know the law?" Get a lot of them away from legalese and the swagger leaves.

The most successful lawyers are either highly intelligent or have the ability to engender confidence and get potential clients to like them and great networking skills: "rainmakers".

For the rest: the bulk of lawyers are clerks who rely on form books and software. Many make egregious mistakes that are never discovered either because no dispute arises or the family are internally loyal and never raise the issue. (Aren't you reminded of all those doctors who bury their patients?)

jim ex marine offi,
not necessarily, I have met some pretty dumb lawyers , but the good ones don't really need to be smart just do their home work and have a glib tongue and be able to look you in the eye and lie like hell and make you believe it,

Loganathan Raja Rajun R
Spiritoso Look at the phrase and make out.

LAW is a Dark space , its the lawyers arguments bring light to the space and life to the accused.

Wheather they are master of all subjects or not but surely many or most of the attorneys can decipher, scheme out things in different perspectives of the case and fight the evils of Law.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Tips: Are Lawyers/Attorneys Really That Intelligent?