About one month ago my mother (49) fell violently ill; she went to the ER not once, not twice -- but three times before they thought something was wrong. They kept telling her it was the flu, and that she should go home and rest. They gave her pain medication and other stuff.

Well, on the third visit they ran some tests, including an MRI .. they saw a blockage in her intestines, and immediately said it was cancer. This obviously caused panic. Anyway, when they cut her open it turned out that her appendix had ruptured. They never mentioned it could be her appendix.

She went nearly a week and a half with this pain before they decided to intervene. She was finally kept overnight for observation - where she fell out of bed, hit her head and was unattended for around two hours - causing her to develop pneumonia. She suffered from a stroke as well due to her high temperature (106) and the trauma to her brain from falling..

She then had to be airlifted to a certified stroke center. They're saying it's unlikely that she'll work again. She's been in critical care until just a day or two ago, she's been in the hospital for around three weeks.

Do you think this is all enough for a lawsuit? Would if be worth our time? Their mistake has essentially ruined her life. The catch is that we (my entire family) would never be able to visit any branches of their hospital ever again. We live in a small town with only one hospital & a clinic, both owned by Sanford Medical. The nearest hospital outside of our town is 45 minutes away.

Unfortunately, everything is true. My family is torn about pursuing the lawsuit at this time.

There has been an official complaint filed against the doctor who initially treated her.

Maj. T.J. "Snark King" Kong
Most of the time I roll my eyes when I see a malpractice question, but not here. If everything truly happened as you described here then yes, I would definitely pursue a malpractice suit. If everything happened as you describe here then I imagine that the physicians and the hospital will be falling over themselves to offer her a settlement.

Cyber Investigator
If all of the things that happened is true, then this is a medical malpractice lawsuit if I ever saw one. Its best that you consult a lawyer if you haven't already..

Emma Roy
If everything happened as you describe here then I imagine that the physicians and the hospital will be falling over themselves to offer her a settlement. :-)

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Orignal From: Tips: Grounds for medical malpractice lawsuit?