A few years ago my uncle settle a million dollar medical malpractice lawsuit. My uncle was deemed mentally ill because of the medical mishap and the court therefore appointed a professional legal guardian to be the guardian of the settlement funds. The P.L.G. over the years has been really "shady" with the funds often taking months to dish out money for necessities like rent etc. Too make a long story short I think she is somehow profiting off this settlement money. My family is fed up with all the hassle and would like to release or transfer the guardianship over to me, I'm 26 years old. Is this possible? If so how would we go about doing that? Thanks...

You really need a lawyer for this one. And you probably need to file some kind of complaint with the court that appointed the guardian. Definitely a lawyer necessary for that. Your age isn't an issue here since you are past the legal age of majority.

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Orignal From: Tips: How do I change or release a legal guardianship?