for mailpractice insurance. I hear everything from 1/2% to Pres. Bush saying doctors can't afford to practice their "love" and are quitting.

Doctors are not leaving the field because of malpractice premiums, they are leaving because government reimbursement for heathcare is less than the cost to provide the service. Costs for employees and supplies rise every year and the government decreases reimbursement every year.

i have HEARD it starts at about 35% of a Dr. income goes toward malpractice ins. and everytime they are sued, the premeium goes up.
alot of new doctors go work at rural health clinics, HMO's, and medical groups, the groups are now covering the Dr. expences, and paying them a fraction of thier predacessors, 30 years ago.

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Orignal From: Tips: Medical malpractice insurance. Anyone know the truth about the average percentage on their incomes doctors?