I am looking for an immigration lawyer/attorney but don't understand the difference between the two. Is there a cost difference? Which is better? I'm in Texas by the way.

pretty Kitty
their 1in the same

Bob B
Two names for the same thing.

Artemis Gwen
Lawyer, attorney, barrister, solicitor, counselor, counsel. These are all titles for the exact same position.

I refer to myself as a lawyer and an attorney interchangeably - but I find that I use attorney more often when I am writing and lawyer more often when I am speaking. Sometimes I will introduce myself as "counsel for the petitioner," etc. When judges get irritated, I find that they call us "counselor." It's just a matter of habit and personal preference.

attorney is a person legally authorized to act for another, he/she could be a lawyer; while a lawyer is a person knowledgeable of the laws and or maker of the laws, he/she not necessarily an attorney.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: what's the difference between attorney vs lawyer?