medical malpractice tort
by SS&SS

Why are democrats asking doctors to ease up on demands for medical malpractice reform during the upcoming healthcare debate? Isn't the expense do to medical lawsuits one of the biggest costs we bear in paying for health care?

Huggy Bear
People like Edwards made their fortunes with it, they hate to see up and coming Dems not get their fortunes made.

Burn the Bible!
Persons hurt by medical malpractice are entitled to get ALL their medical costs reimbursed. They are also entitled to compensation for lost earnings. If the GOP had its way, these would be endangered. I am all for eliminating punitive damages and "pain and suffering" but the first two categories are non-negotiable.

Because IT IS medical malpractice to order tests that are not medically necessary. Any doctor doing so should be charged and reported to their governing body. Any doctor charging the government or an insurance company for unnecessary tests should be charged with fraud.

Tom R
no they arent . they study on the health care impact was done with some manipulation to inflate the numbers an they still only got a one percent impact. another way to look at is if a doctor causes a loved one of yours to die do you want to have a limit on what he is forced to pay. ? logically you should be able to figure out that this isnt true. what is in my opinion would be the paying the emergency room costs of people who could have gone to a doctor weeks before for one tenth the cost. add to that the doctors an insurance companys who game the system by padding their profits

Because the Trial Lawyers Association is the biggest lobbyist group in D.C. This is too easy. Take a look at how many legislators are lawyers by trade and training. (Bet you thought the National Rifle Association was number one. They don't make the top 25) American Medical Association is likely second. Tort reform? You're kidding, right?

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