I want to become a doctor and am also interested in attending one of the military academies. I informally talked to an air force recruiter at a college fair and he said I could go straight from the USAFA to medical school. A couple months later I was talking to a navy recruiter and he said if I wanted to become a doctor, I needed to go the ROTC route and not go to the USNA. So are there really different policies regarding medical school after graduation for these two academies or was one of the recruiters mistaken?

If you go to a Military academy, you MUST spend 5 years in the military. (That's for the Army)

I would never accept the word of a recruiter. On matters as serious as this, always go to the source. Any of the academies will answer an inquiry. You can also contact the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (the military medical school): http://www.usuhs.mil/

I can vouch for USAFA as letting you go straight from the Academy to Med School. I am a cadet there and a number of my friends are going straight out after they finish this year. I'm personally going straight to Graduate School for Physics.

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Orignal From: Can I go to a military academy and then immediately go to medical school?