medical malpractice claims in
by SS&SS

there are some on here that believe those wanting the government to get involved in health care are freeloader, moochers, and overall a drain on society. According to those on the right, malpractice and illegal aliens are the two largest factors on the high cost of healthcare. These same people are hard working, honest individuals that earn things, they do not have their hands out expecting others to give them anything.

how quickly would there opinions change if after paying their insurance premiums for years. They are told there is no coverage for the particular illness they have, or the medicine prescribed by their doctor is not covered by their insurance, and the one tablet per day cost over five hundred dollars.

to those against the government reforming health care

Has your insurance company ever refused a claim you filed?

Do to your pre-existing condition have you been denied coverage?

Have you ever lost your job through no fault of your own, and been forced to pay over twenty thousand dollars in medical bills, because you could not afford to pay over a thousand per month to keep your present insurance through cobra?

Captain Awesome
If you think government run healthcare is going to be any better you're in for a rude awakening.

From reading your question I think perhaps you are mistaken about the reality of the proposed health care plan. Look around at countries have plans similar to that proposed by the Obama administration (e.g. Canada). You asked whether someone on the right would be mad if insurance didn't cover a medicine prescribed by the doctor. That is exactly what happens in public health care systems. You can only get the most basic care and absolutely, without-a-doubt, gonna die if you don't have it medicine. If you have something other than the common cold, you can bet your bottom dollar you will wait months and months for a referral to a specialist, then months for the government to okay you going to that specialist, then months for the government to decide whether they will pay for the recommended treatment (probable answer = NO).

So if you support public health care, great. But find better arguments Because the ones you use in this question are actually the arguments lobbed against public health care.

One Captain Awesome just fuc* off every post i see is nothing but right wing neo nazi lies. and 2. Social Health care will not cost tens of millions like all the right wingers say yes it will rise taxes a little but will be a helluva alot cheaper then everyone paying for health care everyone will be safe a protected under but it will never pass because of all the right wingers in our government

You are correct and everyone should have access to health care.

What do you think? Answer below!

Orignal From: concerning the cost of health care coverage?