My friend and I were having a discussion and I wanted to see what other people's opinions are. If a parent is raising a child who is morbidly obese (and who has no medical condition causing the obesity, obviously) do you think it should be considered medical neglect and/or child abuse and require the involvement of the local child protective services? I'm not referring to a chubby or overweight child, I'm specifically referring to obese children and this is all hypothetical.
andrew's mommy
YES. As a matter of fact, back in August a couple from Marietta, GA were arrested for that exact thing. James and Anne Cardona were arrested for child neglect because their 5 year old daughter weighed 159 pounds and their 4 year old daughter weighed 89 pounds!! Both children were classified as morbidly obese and had a variety of health issues. The 5 year old could not sit or stand with out help and could only walk about 10 feet with out wheezing and running out of breath. This is cruel and is the result of nothing but laziness and neglect on the parents part. I hate to sound mean but these poor children will probably die at an early age because of the strain their hearts have already been through.
I don't think it quite falls under the categories of neglect or abuse but it defintiely is bad parenting-letting your child become obese is 100% preventable and there's really no excuse for it.Once they start eating regular food,then it's time to manage what they eat.
i dont think so b/c it is not just the parents fault every one is to blame mom dad grandparents and others for letting the child over eat where ever he/she maybe if a child is still hungry would you deney he/she food you never know family history maybe in the parents time they had little food and so they rem. tht and try to maybe make sure their kido dont go through tht
Yes. Absolutely. Most of these parents are lazy and feed the kids junk. These kids are going to have all sorts of health problems. My moms friend has a HUGE toddler, very overweight and has a mouth full of rotted teeth. This toddler is 3 and weighs 18 lbs more than my 6 year old! The mom is lazy and gives the kid whatever he wants to eat..mostly juice soda and junk. Her mother babysits and also gives the kid junk and fast food. This kid eats adult size meals at McDonalds. My mom is just disgusted at how big this child is and how unhealthy it is to let a child get that fat. What can you do besides call CPS? The child I am referring too is 3 years old and weighs 68 lbs. He is tall for being 3 but he is still EXTREMELY overweight. My 6 yr old is 50 lbs. Sad.
Jaymee-laura Forbes
Totally agree. besides the ridicule they'll face their whole lives, the fact is it isn't their fault. children are not old enough to know how to eat properly, it is up to the parents to teach them. Personally i think there should be action taken against parents who just let their children eat themselves to death.
Shelby Cuthrell
Yes, because the parent doesn't care that the child is obese. When the child asks for food the parent gives it to him and/or her. For example my kid gets back from a restaurant and an hour later I see them eating a sandwich or the leftovers from the restaurant if I don't care and let them eat it, It would be considered child abuse and brings up higher chances of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems in the future.Now who does the child have to thank for those diseases? You.
Mr Warrior
In all seriousness, if you wanted to eat, there is nothing your parent can do about it.
Even if the parent , had the right food in the home, and put the right foods on the table.
Its not going to stop you from stuffing ten packets of chips in your mouth on the way to school or on the way home.
So how is it abuse, when it csan be done behind the parents back and there is no possible way to make it stop. The child doing ,it on their own, without the parents knowledge.
I dont agree its abuse or bad parenting.
A parent can be aware of it. Try and do everything in their power to stop it.. But at the end of the day, if the child hides it, then the parent can not be blamed.
Yes,The parents should control how much food,drink,and snacks their children have.And not give the children whatever they want.
Orignal From: Do you think it should be considered child abuse if a parent is raising a morbidly obese child?
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