I am a little over 5 months pregnant.. I was at the casino the other day and i ordered a coke. the waitress came back and handed me a drink. I took a big gulp from the cup. I swallowed. I quickly said omy this is not a coke and made a horrible face.and said .it has alcohol in it. So the waitress says sorry I gave you the rum and coke. I am visibly pregnant!!! .. I look like i could go into labor now. i did not do anythign about it and then i got a headache, my stomach hurt a bit and i felt nauseous. I found the head of beverage management at the casino.. They investigated into what happened and sent me to the medic. I then filed a complaint. The medic said i did not drink enough for it to do anything to the baby and the mananger said the cup only had not a lot of alcohol in it. but YES it did. Pre-pregnancy i could only tolerate 2 sex on the beaches. I got them to comp me a room because i could not drive like that. Do i have a lawsuit or negligence suit?Now i have to worry for 4 months
wow i love how people judge you.. i KNOW my baby is fine.. i am never one to agree with a lawsuit UNLESS it sets a precedent... people that files suits for dumb things piss me off.. however.. i think there should be a system in place so the waitress knows if its a plain coke or one with rum or any other drink for that matter.. what if someone is allergic to something ?? i worry that this will happen to someone else and it will resuly in something bad... i want to make sure they do something about that
some of you are verrrry ignorant.. i KNOW my baby is fine number one.. number two i asked them to comp my room because they had me for 3 hours sitting or laying there while they worked things out and to file a report etc etc. i DO NOT care about a lawsuit to gain money. i SAID i think there should be a procedure in place so waitresses know which drinks they are handing out. what if someone was allergic to something? there could have been a serious problems.. i want to make sure something is in place to enforce that. and no one said the casino took my money and i want it back lol.. i loooveeee how people ASSUME

In order to be sucessful in a lawsuit, you have to prove negligence and damages. A mistake does not normally rise to the level of negligence. As far as damages, as the medic stated, there was not enough alcohol to cause damage.

Ummm... maybe you should ask your doctor...

it happens, stop trying to get rich off of a stupid mistake, people like youare the ones making all sorts of frivalous lawsuits and trashing america
yea she screwed up, its not like u drank a 12 pack before you realized it, and sex on the beach is a much stiffer drink
im glad u wont drink being pregnant, but cmon, people make mistakes everyday, my ma drank straight vodka all the way through her pregnancy with me and altho shes a worthless drunk, im fine, 1 drink wont hurt nothing, and 1 gulp would do even less then nothing
altho i am a bit surprised u didnt smell it, maybe im more in tune but if there is alchohol in my drink ill know before i get it to my lips

Don't listen to trooper.
You can file a lawsuit for ANYTHING these days :D
If you feel like you didn't win your fair share of money at the casino.. sue 'em!
If you think your Whopper was just a little bit too dry... sue Burger King!
If you stub your toe on a shopping cart while buying groceries... Sue Fry's!
Go for it. It's the American way.

Mommy on 12/10/08
I would be just as pissed as you, but you don't have a lawsuit. The waitress wasn't being malicious and trying to hurt your baby, and by the chance she was, you won't be able to prove it. I think your worry and concern is causing your mind to inflate the amount of alcohol you think was in it. If there was a lot like you claim their to be, you should have been able to smell it or it would have been so potent that the minute it went in your mouth you would have known to spit it out.

I'm sure you're freaked out, but your obgyn is probably going to tell you that a sip from a drink that was several parts coke and one part rum isn't going to have a lasting affect on your baby.

You write "people that files suits for dumb things piss me off.. "

Well you are pissing ME off...if you decide to file a lawsuit. It's one gulp of rum and coke (which is mostly coke). The reaction you had is probably all in your head and not from the alcohol. You got them to comp you a room?! Things in place to make sure drinks are correct? Are you serious? Sounds like your just trying to win some money...cuz maybe the casino took all yours.

You over reacted to the situation. You probably put your own baby in more danger by sitting in a smoke filled casino then one sip of alcohol could ever do. You made a big deal out of nothing.

Don't listen to trooper? He's been in law enforcement for almost 20 years! He has over 50 % BEST ANSWERS on THOUSANDS of questions....HE'S THE MOST EXPERIENCED HERE and you say DON'T LISTEN TO TROOPER?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: I am 5 mos pregnant, ordered a coke, woman gave me a coke and rum.. i drank some. do i have a lawsuit?