ive been really depressed lately but ive kept it to myself and i made the mistake of telling someone i was considering suicide. i went to mental health and they are going to recommend me for a discharge. When i get discharged will it be medical and also will i be able to change it to an honerable discharge

Is that like re-writing history?

Casey Forrest
call your local VA. they can help you.

Hello "A"

A medical discharge is an honorable discharge under medical conditions.

Don't be depressed. Listen to me.

You are a young person and there are many fine things that you will experience in your lifetime.

You have to approach life with a positive outlook and do things that are good for others.

Now, I would suggest that when you come home you enroll into your local community college and start to take classes to learn new things that you never knew about before.

After you earn an Associate's Degree you can then focus on a 4 year college major and transfer.

Best wishes,

Larry Smith
Senior Master Sergeant, USAF (Ret.)
First Sergeant

John U
What branch are you in? If you're Army go read AR 635-200, chapter 5-13 and pay attention to line h. For those conditions if you don't get an Art 15 first for slacking on the job which a commander must consider before just chaptering you out on this one the characterization of service is still honorable though you will more than likely end up with an RE code of 4 on your DD 214. Now with that said just because mental health recommended a discharge doesn't mean a commander has to give you one. There are still miles ahead before we get to that point and the first is the commander must consider counseling and rehabiliation first. So for right now you're still in limbo and your not even seeing any paperwork for a discharge other than a recomendation from mental health. Take one step at a time and even if you aren't in the Army I sure the other branches handle these per their regs in a fairly similar fashion. They spent a lot of money and time to get you where your at and they aren't going to let you out the door without trying to get you refocused first if they can but if not and as long as you haven't gone over the edge and done something stupid in the meantime like not show up for work or something that would warrant anything less than an honorable then that is what you will get. You can look at this reg and if you are Marines or AF or whatever ask your buddy to help you find the similar reg your branch uses and educate yourself on the procedures they use. Good luck and who knows, maybe you'll just snap out of it because if you aren't independently wealthy good luck finding a job when they place you gently outside the post and see you on your way.

Heres the reg, best wishes


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Orignal From: is there a way to change a medical discharge to an honerable discharge?