I had a normal pregnancy and gave birth vaginally to a baby girl March 11th. During the after birth i had lots and lots of bleeding. My Dr just came to the hospital after working at the clinic all day and was pretty grumpy & tired. When all the bleeding started he asked my hubby to help pass him medical tools and gozz to stop the bleeding. The 2 nurses were too busy to help cuz they dropped the bowl with my placenta in it and were busy cleaning it.I was screaming in pain, their were 2 other Dr's on call, which were never called, and 1 nurse came in towards the end of all of what happened. Well 8 hrs after that ordeal a nurse realized i hadn't gone to the bathroom, i was rushed into the O.R because my Dr had ended up stitching my urethra shut and i was full of urine. I then had to have 2 units of blood given to me, i had a high temp and lots of other things after what had happened to me. i was in the hospital for 3 days. And I was the talk of the hospital, and all the Dr's in my City have heard of my and what happened to me now. I had a catheter in me for 11 days, i still have lots of pain urinating, and i go to the Dr weekly. And i was on 7 diff pain meds.(i take as needed now) I have no memory of my daughter's birth after all the pain i was in and the blood loss. And could have died again with having so much urine inside of me, without notice. The dr office i went to has called me, sent me letters etc.. wanting to get together with me to hear my side of what happened and willing to give me whatever i want for what has happened to me. I have gotten all my hospital records and now am consulting with a lawyer. I was wondering if anyone knew how much i could get in a seattlment like this?
um of course i think of all those things. i'm doing a law suit to prevent this happening to another women. i am very thankful that i am alive and nothing happend to my daughter. but i am here asking a Q about the law-suit .if i were to explain everything that happend in that hospital i wouldn't have nearly enough room on this page.

You had me until your last sentence: "how much can I get?"

It isn't about the error, it isn't about the traumatic birth of your daughter, it isn't about maintaining your health. it is about how much money you can get.

So that makes me believe that you are not telling the whole story, or maybe adding details to the story, to increase your claim.

Go ask a lawyer.

With a LOT more information, your attorney can advise you on an appropriate course of action.

A group of strangers online, with varying competence in medical and legal expertise, will produce only guesses for you.

Most qualified attorneys will provide an initial consultation for an affordable rate. If you are referred by some bar-funded lawyer referral services, your initial consultation may be $ 25 or so for 30 minutes.

If you have a case that is winnable, the attorney should offer a contingency fee contract, meaning that you do not pay your attorney. Your attorney will be paid when you win and the defendant pays.

Actions have consequences
You'll get all your medical bills paid, probably something for lost wages, you MAY get a small amount for pain and suffering. Your do not get anything for "I almost died". You didn't, so that is irrelevant

Question: "I have no memory of my daughter's birth", yet you can quote all the exact conditions of what happened? You'd better get your story straight before going before a judge. Since the "I have no memory' is irrelevant to the case, I'd drop that line, it makes you look like you're exaggerating.

Give your answer to this question below!

Orignal From: Medical malpractice from pregnancy (almost died twice)?