Doctors must carry (therefore we must pay for) expensive malpractice insurance, and there are tens of thousands of lawyers making their living off of peoples dissatisfaction with their medical care. . You may alternately say that they are making their living from the mistakes of the medical profession.

How do those countries with national health care programs handle the voracious attorneys, and what must we do in this area to achieve comparable care for a comparable price, whether privately of publicly administered?

Most countries do not experience the sort of lottery ticket jury awards that characterize the United States. That nothwithstanding, malpractice claims are a fairly small part of total health costs. They are a fairly significant cost of certain medical provider's costs, though.

The money involved is not enough to make much of a difference however some people think that malpractice suits adds to the cost by causing doctors to practice defensive medicine , that is ordering too many test and referring people to specialist so the won't get sued.
We need tort reform very badly. However, it will never happen as about 80% of our congress (both houses) are lawyers. They will now and always look out for their best interest and not that of the citizens. STOP VOTING FOR LAWYERS AS CONGRESSMEN.

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Orignal From: Opinions on the importance of tort reform in the health care debate?